Saturday, November 10, 2007
I LoVe......
Cheap clothes and chairs at thrift stores
that my 'check engine' light is off (this has never happened in the history of the Postma family)
that that happened for free (thanks Brian!)
that I also got a sideview mirror for free
that the outdoors can make me happy
that it is 70 degrees and it is also November
that my roommate can hug me after arguing
Inta Juice and the ginseng/licithin that is making me so happy!
that Sarah loves Fiest and is taking me to a concert
Free music and Radio stations that are simply amazing
cooking for friends who don't hate me when I screw it up
My Bible study that is sooo amazingly comfortable, safe, and inviting
My pastor who won't let us stay comfortable
Fresh Air
That I am doing grown-up things in an un-grown up way
That I can talk to all my family members and that they all care about me no matter how far away I am
That life is a rollercoaster
That I can smell and see and be and live
Irish music on the radio
That my computer 'works' and I didn't have to pay a thing
That the mountains are only an hour away and so is Denver
That my back hurts because of go-karts and kicking butt at it
Awkwardness. seriously. Embrace awkwardness, it is what binds us together.
Ok... you think i'm rambling, crazy, high or something right now, but it is all good. I'm having a terrific day and I am attributing it all to a)Jesus b)people around me c)the weather and d)intajuice!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
All in a week's work
So this is my week in a nutshell:
Sunday night: reluctantly call Mason back after I figure out he knows I'm still awake: darn Facebook (aka stalker program)
Monday morning: recieve telephone call from school at 7:45 when I should have been at school 10 minutes earlier! yikes, but if it weren't for talking to Mason, my cell phone wouldn't have been nearby and I would have been much, MUCH later! yay Providence! I had set my alarm for 5:45 PM! oops!
End of 1st hour class (still Monday!) Student falls off chair and sprains ankle. great.....
Tuesday: Bible study meets for first time. We joke through our prayer requests as Sarah needs a big fish and I need a kick in the pants. Guys cringe so much when you say that!
Wednesday: Babysit a kid with an attention span lasting 1/2 the length of any activity!
Thursday: Listen to Jack Johnson in Library class (the sharing song from Curious George soundtrack) oh Jack!
Tomorrow: Try my first field trip! Here goes nothing!
Saturday: First football game? --- EVER
Sunday: a hike up in the 'high country' to see some pines turning their colors!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I miss you already
Good-byes suck. That's what I usually say. And that they are super awkward. By the way, I just want to give a big shout out to Andrea for acknowledging such awkwardness! But really, the thing about good-byes is that all of a sudden you begin to realize how much people really mean to you and how much you mean to them. That's a good feeling. That's the stuff that makes me tear up.
For a person who has found a great meaning to life by enjoying the life of others; being inspired, motivated, intrigued and challenged by others in bold and subtle ways, life is going to change drastically. Most of you know my desire and need for variety, that this change will be ultimately a very good thing. I thank you for your encouragement, even from such a distance (as unwilling as that condition might be). Most of all I want you to know that I wish it was possible to be near all of you! As much as I love traveling, I wish it was possible to revert back to the days when all your family and friends lived within 5 miles of eachother. But I do love traveling, and here comes my next big trip!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Officially Grown-up (or so it appears...)
Monday, June 25, 2007
May (Flower); June (Bug)
Dale Chihuly blown glass at the Fairchild Tropical Gardens (Miami Florida)
Above we have the feet in the Great Salt Lake Yay! Road tRiP. Below we have the perfect picnic lunch: Target parking lot!
Pre-Wedding Fun: Go-Karts! And below: Rehearsal! Yay sister! and Jon has the giggles. What else is new?
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Check this out! It's a quiz to figure out which Peanuts character you are. You would never guess which one I am! ok... I'll just tell you. I was Pig Pen! I took it again and I was Snoopy though! That fit better: fearless though cautious, you can be pretty quiet and can catch the attention of anyone with your intelligence and've got multiple personalities.
k... now a real blog:
Summer. Oh summer. Slow, enjoyable summer. Weddings. Roadtrips. Unemployment.
Well, that last one's a newbie for me, but all the same it is summer and life is good. The only bad stuff is that last bit about no job. I'm working on it but nothing coming. Lots of back up plans. AusPaire (sp?) (overseas nannying). Girls ranch. Urban Homeworks.
Enough about that! God will provide. For now: Live it up my friends. LIVE IT UP! It's my last summer. So far this summer I have enjoyed 2 visits with Chris and Amanda, my little brothers graduation (wierd!) and a free trip to Florida. Can't beat that now can ya? And on top of it all, I get to go to California this week with 3 amazing people to see 2 amazing people get married, and see 1 amazing ocean! like I said: LIVE IT UP!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Can I vent?
But now I gotta vent. I wanna say something and I want people to hear it, so I guess this is my venue for that.
You know how we are always saying things like "As Christians...." I hate that phrase. Well, maybe that isn't quite appropriate to say, cuz I have said it too. But I just don't like it and find it completely dualistic. It's like we are saying "The Christian part of us should feel or do this...." or that we have to remind ourselves of the fact that we are Christians or something. I just feel like this phrase is evidence of the dualistic behavior of our culture. I hope that we can slowly eliminate this phrase from our lingo because I think non-Christians here that and sub-consciously or even consciously laugh. And I don't blame them.
Sorry about that, but I had to get it out. Let me know what you think. Next time I'll be more upbeat, I promise :)
Friday, March 2, 2007
Last Week

At church rock the kids ALL hugged me (no really, they all hugged me, like, at the same time!) I was pretty much mobbed. And they gave me a lovely note too. It was precious!
This will be the last post I have under this title. This is sad. But the show must go on... or as said so eloquently: "that the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse."
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Crevice wetness

....A small lake! I had this bright idea of giving myself a little extra momentum as to get out of the puddle quicker, but really I just got myself in deeper. I was soaked! and the 1/2 mile hike back to the car against strong winds (the very winds that made this crevice) didn't help any. This was actually a week ago, so no pneumonia whatsoever. Praise the Lord!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Church Rock...What's missing?

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Just Gallup

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Today on the other hand, well. One student just ruined it for me. He really got to me. At least I didn't let him know it! But I'm working on it. I might just have to get rid of him on Thursday! (insert evil laugh here). Actually it really kills me to just send him to the principal.
I totally like Jr. High. At least here I do. They are squirrely, yes, but they still have respect and they are amazingly creative and engaged in art and in conversation. It's a beautiful thing. (even though one of 'em stole from me last week. The little punk hardly even recognized what he was doing was wrong!!
Monday, February 12, 2007

So we stayed at the Shumate's (Donna and Mark) in Albuquerque this weekend. Man, I'm getting good at spelling Albuquerque! Anyway, they have an amazing home, full of art from all over the world. This is some of the African art. They also had this huge screen from Asia with gold painting. BEAUTIFUL!

This is one of those that I just couldn't stop looking at. I just don't get it, you know?

Now for Santa Fe, our real purpose in traveling this weekend. This is the miraculous staircase of the Chapel of Loretta. It's made without nails. "Defies engineering logic" Did you hear that Hjon and Chris?

I love being an art teacher! I get to take pictures of things other people can't. Like this amazingly CRAZY horse/warrior thing. Another thing I don't get but totally love because of it. I hope it's ok that I'm posting it... mmmmm..... please don't get me into trouble!

The oldest church in the U.S. cool, huh?

Classic Santa Fe.

Yep, that's right. I'm tainted. I've gambled away 1 whole dollar. But I must say, I almost made 1.80! but then I gambled it away. I can't be trusted, I just can't.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
All in a day

Some of us, unfortunately not me, took a short cut down this crevice. But I got to take some amazing pictures!!

(And this is completely my own)
So lots of pictures today... but I just found out how to add more than 5! Hope you enjoyed them!
Friday, February 2, 2007
Wanna See?
This is the tunnel under the interstate and off of Route 66. Rehoboth is like another world on the other side, and you barely see it from the interstate, so people say that there is a 'tunnel effect'
My room. This is only half of it. My roommate Jena has the exact mirror of this. Except it's more organized.
The outside of the dorm. So Jon, did you really roof this baby?
The hogbacks (and the church parking lot). If the snow will just go away, I'd go hiking back in there. Soon I might get a chance to go horseback riding there!
The art building! This is the side that people see, which also happens to be the side that doesn't show the massive cracks in the walls. This place is literally going to fall apart. Especially since they are building a new gym behind it.
A good day

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Thoughts on the big hole in the earth
I've really discovered my joy for hiking here. That goes way back to taking every possible trail or even trail blazing the small chunk of woods during camping trips... remember that brothers? I just always want to know what's around the corner, to see more (and to take more pictures!) and think more about creation and all the metaphors that come out of that. For the most part I don't have time enough to think about it, mostly because I'm so overwhelmed by EVERYTHING I'm seeing! I think I"m visually overstimulated. Is that possible for an artist to be? I think that it's more possible actually.