Sunday, May 27, 2007


Check this out! It's a quiz to figure out which Peanuts character you are. You would never guess which one I am! ok... I'll just tell you. I was Pig Pen! I took it again and I was Snoopy though! That fit better: fearless though cautious, you can be pretty quiet and can catch the attention of anyone with your intelligence and've got multiple personalities.

k... now a real blog:
Summer. Oh summer. Slow, enjoyable summer. Weddings. Roadtrips. Unemployment.

Well, that last one's a newbie for me, but all the same it is summer and life is good. The only bad stuff is that last bit about no job. I'm working on it but nothing coming. Lots of back up plans. AusPaire (sp?) (overseas nannying). Girls ranch. Urban Homeworks.

Enough about that! God will provide. For now: Live it up my friends. LIVE IT UP! It's my last summer. So far this summer I have enjoyed 2 visits with Chris and Amanda, my little brothers graduation (wierd!) and a free trip to Florida. Can't beat that now can ya? And on top of it all, I get to go to California this week with 3 amazing people to see 2 amazing people get married, and see 1 amazing ocean! like I said: LIVE IT UP!


Andrea said...

See you tonight! And then again on Friday! Hooray for California and seeing people and things that are beautiful!

Andrea said...

By the way, I'm Schroeder.