This is the crevice. We were essentially climbing right in between two rocks, suspending ourselves between them. This was by far the scariest par as we had to round a corner and run across to safety. Below we have a long stretch of crevice which was scary but really, the only fear would be getting stuck by dropping too far down into the crevice. It's probably the most awkward thing I will ever do. At the end of the crevice you pretty much fall out of the rock and into.....
....A small lake! I had this bright idea of giving myself a little extra momentum as to get out of the puddle quicker, but really I just got myself in deeper. I was soaked! and the 1/2 mile hike back to the car against strong winds (the very winds that made this crevice) didn't help any. This was actually a week ago, so no pneumonia whatsoever. Praise the Lord!